Can You Host a Driveway Party?
Driveway parties are a way for neighbors to get to know each other in a relaxed setting. BWNA has grant money to pay for food, drinks, and supplies to help…
Baker West … Together!
Driveway parties are a way for neighbors to get to know each other in a relaxed setting. BWNA has grant money to pay for food, drinks, and supplies to help…
I’m Julie Meridian, a practicing artist and UX designer here in San José. For this utility box pair, I’ve painted a mural of “Paintbrushes and Goldfields”. The wildflowers are Indian Paintbrush (red)…
Looking for a Street Leader to deliver the newsletter to 18 houses on Serge Avenue. Being a Street Leader is a very easy but important job. It is one of…
Read More About it “Need a Volunteer to Deliver the Newsletter on Serge Avenue!” »
If you see blight, homelessness, or other needs in your community, report it to the appropriate agency and loop in our office. See key contact information below: For Issues with: Contact: Caltrans – Fill…
The Costco project at Westgate West is beginning their environmental review process. The biggest concern that Chappie is hearing from the community is that the traffic on Graves Ave will…
Tuesday, August 2nd 5:30pm to 7pm Location: 5190 Paseo Olivos BWNA will provide pizza, beverages, and activities for the kids. NNO is an annual event dedicated to promoting neighborhood unity…
As you may have heard, the Planning Commission’s recommendation was to approve the project with the following conditions, and with Item 3 added by friendly amendment by Vice Mayor Chappie…