Since July there have been four home burglaries and one vehicle break in our area. A member of the neighborhood association contacted SJPD for details to pass on to the neighborhood. While not all details could be shared, here is some general information about the incidents.
- Two cases occurred late in evening around 11-12 PM. Two occurred during the day.
- Most occurred while the house was empty. In one case the resident was gone only for several hours.
- In all, the back yard gate was not locked. The burglars entered the back yard. Majority involved entry through the sliding door.
Some of their recommendations to deter a break-in:
- Lock back yard/side gates with a padlock
- Keep porch light on throughout the night
- Install a motion sensor light on garage and in back yard
The SJPD encouraged the neighborhood association to remind residents about registering any cameras they have on their home with the city. You might also qualify for a camera rebate of $350/home. You can find information about a burglary prevention checklist, a suspect report form, a directory of important SJ phone numbers, and information about camera rebates below.
Here are some more details on these programs:

Cam Rebate Program: CAM-Rebate-Flyer-English.pdf
The CAM rebate flyer that was handed out. The CAM Rebate Program provides up to $350 dollars per property in supporting the installation of security cameras.

Neighborhood Watch Program: Neighborhood-Watch.pdf
Hand out regarding the SJPD Neighborhood Watch Program which focuses on educating the community on how to BE PREPARED to DETER and PREVENT CRIME.

National Night Out: National-Night-Out-Brochure-2024.pdf
A flyer for the National Night Out Program. Let’s create a program for Baker West!
SJPD Important Phone Numbers: SJPD-Important-Numbers.pdf
A list of important phone numbers from the SJ Police Department that you can print and put on your refrigerator!
City of San Jose Personal Emergency Preparedness 5.15.2024: Personal-Emergency-Preparedness-5.15.2024.pdf
A detailed presentation on how to prepare you and your family for emergencies. Very useful information inside!!
Suspect Description Helper: Suspect-SJCAM.pdf
A handy handout in English and Spanish on how to describe suspects when filing a police report. Also has information on how to join the CAM registration program.