Did you know the path to Baker Elementary school on the school side of Bucknall between Mayfield and Woodglen was a dirt path? No sidewalk meant either trudging through wet mud in the winter or tripping over protruding rocks the rest of the year or crossing Bucknall to the far side without a cross walk or crossing guard in commute traffic and crossing back once you got across the street from the school.
Baker West officers and active members started a campaign to get approximately 400 feet of sidewalk installed to remedy this. Applications for grants ensued. Initially they were rejected, but eventually we got a federal grant, administered by the state, and built by the city.
This project took 8 years, lots of face time with the San Francisco Planning commission, permission (with concessions) by one land owner, overcoming an initial denial by the state, and yes eventually 8 years of effort later, a $400k grant for a safe way to school for our kids and parents.
– Submitted by Ron Marfil
I found some historical photos on Google Maps that will help you understand the project.