The calendar says it’s Fall and that means it’s time again to plan for our annual Adult Warm Winter Clothing Drive. This event has been a very successful drive in our neighborhood for many, many years.
Again, we will be supporting Downtown Streets Team.
The requests this year are for gloves (such as fleece gloves, carried at the dollar stores), beanies, clean warm jackets, coats, sweats, vests, and sweaters. They do not have to be new. Hygiene kits and socks are not needed this year.
We start collecting on Nov. 1st and hope we can make a difference as we have in the past. Baker West has always been a generous neighborhood.
I will have a green and red bin on my front porch (2041 Elmgrove Lane) for donations. If you are unable to bring your donations, I will be happy to pick them up. Just call me at (408 379-9773).
The bin will remain on my porch til January 2nd. Thank you, Charleen Marfil ([email protected])